Spiritual Diversity and Holistic Management

A spiritual life can be very rewarding depending on you. No one can lead your heart to Great Mystery. If you want to believe, and most people do—there is a universal being, creator, goddess, god whatever you personally want the Great Mystery to be for you. What you put into believing also known as manifesting, is what you get back. If you put nothing in… if you put bad in… if you put your all in… you can and will eventually get back. It may not be exactly what you expect or want, but you will get back what you put in. This to me is Holistic Management in brief, not the written word it is karma. … More Spiritual Diversity and Holistic Management


Taking that first step without the support of someone or something was such a wow feeling most children do not even realize what they have done. Those individual steps of freedom are the shifts that lead us to becoming self-sufficient individuals. Able to go it alone.
A shaman learns to be resourceful, and depends on spirit and her allies when in need of feedback while working independently. … More Going-it-Alone